No chowkidar in government has the courage, honesty, humanity to end NTRO’s PROSTITUTION, BRIBERY RACKET, BANKING FRAUD

The theme of the 2019 election is the chowkidar with the indian government claiming that it is very honest and does not allow anyone to steal taxpayer money, government resources. Yet the indian government has refused to take any action against NTRO, which is openly involved in a massive online, financial fraud wasting crores of indian taxpayer money to get bribes, enjoy lifetime free sex, increase the profit of google, tata

Bribed by google, tata, NTRO is openly involved in a massive PROSTITUTION, BRIBERY RACKET, BANKING FRAUD since 2010 falsely claiming that google, tata supplied goan call girls, cheater housewives, document robbers, school dropouts and other fraud raw/cbi employees who have not answered JEE, not invested any money in domain names , do not any customers outside india have a btech 1993 ee degree from a top college, are domain investors and paypal account holders, having the resume, savings, domain investment, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, domain investor, google competitor.

The domains are available for sale, they are only a investment, yet the NTRO employees and their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends refuse to pay the market price and purchase them legally,. Instead these fraud liar ntro/raw/cbi employees want the google competitor to pay all the domain expenses, and then falsely claim to own them, and also the bank account of the domain investor in a financial fraud which can be legally proved. In 2019, all the allegations against the domain investor are false.

If India claims that all citizens are equal, why are fraud raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to own the bank account of a private citizen to get a monthly government salary, when the private citizen does not falsely claim to own the bank account of raw/cbi employees or other indian citizens. Why is the indian government wasting indian taxpayer money paying salaries to 10 google, tata sponsored frauds, sex worker raw/cbi employees like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, faking a btech 1993 ee degree, domain ownership, paypal, bank account why are powerful chowkidars ignoring this ntro financial fraud?

When 10 google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employee do not have customers outside india, why is the indian and state government making fake claims

One of the greatest frauds of the indian and state government is how they are blindly repeating the complete lies of shameless section 420 BRAHMIN FRAUD NTRO employees j srinivasan, puneet, vijay, parmar, parekh, nikhil patel for more than 8 years, though it can be legally proved that they are liars.

These fraud ntro employees are falsely claiming that their lazy fraud girlfriends nayanshree hathwar, sunaina chodan, naina, siddhi mandrekar riddhi nayak and others who do not provide any kind of service to customers outside india.,sell any product are paypal account holders, online experts, domain investors to pay all of them a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real paypal account holder who is defamed in the worst possible manner

The real paypal account holder would like to ask the shameless section 420 BRAHMIN FRAUD NTRO employees j srinivasan, puneet explain why their lazy fraud girlfriends nayanshree hathwar, sunaina,riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar and other lazy raw/cbi employees, their associates do not spend any time writing , yet falsely claim that they own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor who is actually spending her time,.

India claims that all citizens are equal, so when the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are not spending any time and money writing, selling services and products to customers outside india, why is the indian and state government making fake claims , repeating the LIES of the fraud raw/cbi employees led by mhow cheater puneet.

These google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees are extremely lazy, mediocre unskilled, do not wish to acquire new skills, customers outside india will not pay them for their services, and it is time that ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies end their fraud, defaming, cheating and exploiting the real paypal account holder for more than 9 years since 2010

When will the google, tata masterminded fraud of defaming small exporters wasting indian taxpayer money end

To increase the profit of google, tata,indian government involved in massive ROBBERY of small business owners

To increase the profit of google, tata,indian government involved in massive ROBBERY of small business owners since these companies do not wish to pay salaries, business expenses, they want small business owners in the indian internet sector to work for them for free, ROBBING ALMOST ALL THE CORRESPONDENCE, MEMORY, ORDERS, LEADS

Clearly indicating the complete control of cia over top indian government officials, since 2010, the indian government is wasting crores of indian taxpayer money to defame a harmless single woman engineer without any legally valid proof, only because she is competing with gogle adwords
Legally unless proof is provided,a person is considered innocent unless proved guilty, the person making the allegations against a person like the domain investor, engineer should provide proof within a few months or years or else he is a LIAR defaming the innocent person, and the person being defamed has the right to take legal action against the person making fake allegations without any proof at all, also file a criminal case

Yet in one of greatest frauds, human rights abuses of indian government, the LIAR ROBBER NTRO employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, parmar, parekh, patel, hathwar, kodancha and other frauds are RUTHLESSLY ROBBING a harmless single woman engineer of her resume, savings, correspondence, memory and everything else for more than 9 years without any legally valid proof just because they and their LIAR associates have made fake allegations without any proof at all
The engineer is asking these fraud liar ntro employees for proof of the allegations against her, these ntro employees cannot provide any proof, yet they continue their ROBBERY wasting indian taxpayer money.

When the indian and goan government cannot provide any legally valid proof against the harmless single woman engineer for more than 9 years, why is she not treated like any other indian citizen. There are many other domain investors owning more domains, blog network owners with more blogs, who are spending more time online, NTRO does not RUTHLESSLY ROB their memory for more than 9 years like they rob the memory of the harmless domain investor, without a legally valid reason causing insomnia and other health problems, financial losses.

NTRO is also falsely claiming that the ROBBED memory belogs to the google tata supplied goan prostitutes, cheater housewives, robbers and other fraud raw/cbi employees when the robbed memory of a call girl offering sex services or housewife only looking after her home and family will be extremely different from that of a domain investor who is spending a lot of time and money to acquire the memory in a clear case of human rights abuses, VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAWS

To increase the profit of google, tata,indian government involved in massive ROBBERY of small business owners without a legally valid reason since these fraud companies do not wish to spend money on business expenses, salaries on well qualified hardworking business owners, they only BRIBE FRAUD LIAR ROBBER ntro employees with money, sex who defame harmless hardworking indian paypal account holders without any proof at all, and ROB their memory, correspondence, savings and identity to get all their girlfriends and relatives raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the harmless single woman engineer as part of the google,tata BRIBERY DEAL

Karnataka government violating national and international laws making fake claims about bengaluru shivalli BRAHMIN CHEATER R&AW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar

India and its government officially claims that all citizens are equal, have equal rights

Legally unless proof is provided,a person is considered innocent unless proved guilty, the person making the allegations against a person like the domain investor, engineer should provide proof within a few months or years or else he is a LIAR

Worldwide most writers are writing from home, indian and state government employees are also writing from home though they are getting a good salary yet when a single woman engineer whose correspondence is ruthless ROBBED BY google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak, wife of fraud liar security agency employee caro, writes from home, spending her time and money, the indian and state governments are refusing to acknowledge her work, and falsely giving lazy greedy mediocre frauds, robbers and cheaters like nayanshree hathwar credit, a monthly salary

Can the karnataka government explain why bengaluru BRAHMIN FRAUD housewife nayanshree hathwar does not have to spend her time writing, she does not have to spend any money on computers, internet connection yet the indian and karnataka government falsely claims that she owns the bank, paypal, and other accounts of a single woman bhandari engineer (not the slim google tata supplied goan bhandari prostitute sunaina chodan 2013 bsc who sex addict ntro employees falsely claim was their engineering classmate) she cheated and REFUSED TO REPLY

The karnataka government also does not have the honesty and humanity to end the CORRESPONDENCE ROBBERY of the harmless experienced single woman engineer with a good jee rank by the liar fraud goan ROBBER government officials like caro,mandrekar, nayak, pritesh chodankar, naik without a legally valid reason for more than 8 years in goa, so that she can do any engineering related work which will pay well
The greedy liar goan officials who are bribed by google,tata with jobs for their relatives like siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodanka, riddhi nayak will ensure that the engineer will not get a salary of more than Rs 20000 if she gets a offline job in goa
So when the engineer is spending her time writing for her customers outside in India, because of her family responsibilities and better compensation why is the karnataka government refusing to acknowledge the time which the engineer is spending and falsely giving the shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, who is not spending any time credit, so that brahmin cheater housewife gets a monthly raw salary at the expense of the engineer, who is also defamed

What is the official reason which the indian government is giving to justify the online, banking fraud of bengaluru brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar,endless ROBBERY of the harmless single woman engineer BY google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut, wife of fraud liar security agency employee caro

Top goan government officials involved in masive SEX RACKET making fake claims about google, tata supplied panaji prostitute

It can be legally proved that slim goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan is only a 2013 bsc from goa university who was supplied by google, tata to top ntro employees and other indian government employees for sex so that they would abuse their powers and make fake allegations without any proof against a single woman engineer, google competitor, to destroy her reputation and steal her identity.

The top mainly brahmin ntro employees like j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet were so infatuated by the panaji prostitute sunaina, that they stole the identity of their hardworkingd honest btech 1993 ee classmate for the google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, and duped countries, companies and people that the lazy greedy goan bhandari sex worker was their btech 1993 ee classmate though ntro;’s favorite panaji SEX worker sunaina chodan was not born in 1989 to answer JEE and get a btech 1993 ee degree
The goan bhandari leaders and officials led by pritesh chodankar,naik, are so devoid of honesty, humanity and integrity that just because SEX addict brahmin ntro employees like j srinivasan are giving fake references to goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostite sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university, these goan officials are repeating the lies of sex addict BRAHMIN LIAR FRAUD ntro employees to pamper and reward the google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan 2013 bsc from goa university , denying the bhandari single woman engineer with a btech 1993 ee degree the income and opportunities she deserved
this is posted to warn people, companies and countries of the fraud of the goan bhandari officials and leaders, goan government who are making fake claims about slim goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostite sunaina chodan,only a 2013 bsc from goa university, duping people, companies and countries that the prostitute is an experienced engineer, online expert, domain investor when sunaina is only a sex worker, providing sex services with the help of google, tata pimps

Allegedly bribed by google, tata,. the indian and goan government is openly involved in a massive SEX racket, duping companies, countries and people, that a slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan,a panaji prostitute supplied by google, tata to NTRO, government employees for regular SEX, is an experienced engineer, domain investor and paypal account holder

In reality google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan has never opened a paypal account in her life, never sold any product or service to customers outside india, and never got any payment from customers outside india, yet top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees addicted to sex with sunaina, are involved in a massive sex racket, abusing their powers to dupe people, companies and countries that the panaji sex worker R&AW employee, owns the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, google competitor and domain investor

the tata, google pimps who have got the panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, a R&AW job, are also extremely aggressive in promoting the panaji sex worker as an online expert, though these fraud companies are aware of the fact that the panaji prostitute is not doing any computer work at ALL ONLY HAVING SEX with government employees

Can the indian and state government explain why raw/cbi employees are not working hard to improve their english language skills, continuing with their paypal, banking fraud

Very few indians are born with excellent english skills from birth, their mother tongue is usually some other language.
Those who have good english writing skills, are usually spending a lot of time reading and writing, only then their vocabulary will improve
If a person wishes to improve their language skills, they can do so, if they work hard
The domain investor was not good in Hindi is school, yet she worked very hard to improve her written hindi, and she got good grades
It was only school marks, there was no money involved at all, yet the domain investor managed to improve her hindi language skills.

In case of the ntro, raw, cbi, security agency fraud, bengaluru brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, has got a monthly salary for more than 6 years making fake claims that she owns the iwriter, paypal account of a single woman engineer who she cheated and refused to reply.

Can ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies, google, tata, explain in an open debate why their role model bengaluru brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar and other 9 google, tata sponsored lazy fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are not working hard to improve their language skills, and opening their own paypal account legally to offer services to customers outside india ?

why are raw/cbi employees continuing with their fraud of falsely claiming to own the paypal account of a private citizen for more than 9 years bribing the LIAR FRAUD ntro employees led by mhow cheater ntro employee puneet who are openly abusing their powers to dupe countries, companies and people worldwide.

Goan government repeating complete LIES of pathological LIAR don bosco alumni karan lacks credibility

It can be legally proved that the shameless young don bosco commerce alumni online gujju banking fraudster karan, son of cbi sex service provider naina is a pathological LIAR making completely fake claims that he and his fraud family owns the bank account which he has not opened and cannot legally operate

Please note that the sundar pichai led google, tata are involved in a massive paypal fraud in panajj, goa falsely promoting Shameless liar greedy gujju mother son fraudster duo cbi employee school dropout housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh and her her LAZY LIAR FRAUD son karan, a donbosco commerce alumni who are not doing any work online at all, do not have any online investment, yet are shamelessly and falsely making fake claims that they own the bank, paypal and iwriter account of a single woman engineer to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the engineer

The bank details will legally prove that the gujju shameless liar fraud mother son of naina-karan have not opened the bank, paypal, iwriter account at all, the screenshot of the account at proves their fraud . yet the goan and indian government is blindly believing in their lies to waste indian taxpayer money paying the gujju fraudster duo a monthly government salary wasting indian taxpayer money

Why does the goan and indian government not officially admit that top ntro employees like nikhil, parmar, parekh are addicted to sex with microchipped naina and just like drug addicts who will do everything possible to get their regular fix of drugs, the panaji sex addicts parekh,parmar, nikhil will do anything to get their regular fix of sex with naina, including real estate, banking fraud, making fake claims about computer work by naina, and her fraud sons , circulating photoshopped photos and videos of the real paypal account holder. They are also making completely fake black money allegations without any proof at all for more than 9 years

Can the indian and goan government explain why the intelligence and security agencies are believing the complete lies greedy gujju fraudster mother son fraudster duo cbi employee school dropout naina karan who are openly involved in a massive banking fraud

Single woman engineer can legally prove that ntro employee vijay is not connected to her, why are state, central government repeating his lies

Like Ahmed Dar, there are many in india who are a far greater security threat, their correspondence is not stolen at all. However for more than 9 years, a single woman engineer with a good JEE rank, finds that her correspondence is stolen without a legally valid reason by security and intelligence agencies, though they are not connected to her in any way at all denying her fundamental rights .

The engineer can legally prove that she has never interacted with ntro employee vijay and goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi in her life, others for more than 25 years and she does not even know how to contact these frauds who are misusing her name, have stolen her correspondence, resume without a legally valid reason .

However the indian and goan government are lacking in credibility when they are repeating the lies of the ntro employee vijay who is falsely claiming to know the engineer very well, to steal her correspondence and divert it to his lazy greedy girlfriend riddhi , get riddhi a cbi job with the stolen identity of the engineer
The top goan officials like nayak, caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, naik, hathwar, kodancha, puneet, parmar, patel, parekh, are all shameless liars, frauds and cheaters repeating the lies of the ntro employees who falsely claim to know the engineer
So why is the fraud ntro employee vijay interfering in the life of the engineer, stealing her identity and all correspondence, why is vijay not honest that goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak, is only a shameless greedy cheater housewife with no professional experience who he has given FAKE REFERENCES of a btech 1993 ee degree , so that her powerful fraud husband caro, relatives like nayak,mandrekar will help his career as reward for his fraud

Indian government refuses to acknowledge the fact that resources are wasted monitoring harmless citizens, resulting in Kashmir violence

The regular memory robbery of the domain investor by ntro does not take place automatically some resources are required for the robbery, some person is initiating or ordering the robbery, the robbed memory is then analysed by people, and then transfereed to the 10 google, tata sponsored, call girl, robber, school dropout fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 degree and others

Lawyers have indicated that 40-50 intelligence and security agency employees are involved in monitoring and harassing the harmless domain investor, engineer since 2010, for more than 9 years. These intelligence and security agency employees have not found any legally valid proof against the engineer, no one has contacted the engineer directly in 9 years of surveillance, yet the surveillance continues. There are many people who are actually arrested or detained for making statements like Kanhaiya Kumar, and the indian inteligence, security agencies will be devoting more resources to monitoring these activists who they are taking action, filing chargesheet

Now indian intelligence agencies do not have infinite employees, they have only approximately 10000 employees since only charming good looking people are considered like most other intelligence agencies. There are many other harmless indian citizens like the engineer who are also closely monitored by the indian intelligence agencies wasting resources, intelligence employees are spending their time monitoring the activities of these citizens..

The domain investor, engineer is only a harmless private citizen, she is not a celebrity, politician, activist, involved in criminal activities, yet the indian government is wasting 40-50 intelligence and security agency employees to monitor her, mainly because relatives , girlfriends of top officials are getting raw/cbi salaries only for stealing her identity. If only 100 other indian citizens are monitored in a manner similar to the domain investor , 5000 intelligence employees are wasting their time and will not do any other work. Krishna Srini on quora has indicated that many other indian citizens are subjected to identity theft like the domain investor, engineer, only they do not complain like the domain investor.

So if a professional analysis of resource utilization of intelligence, security agencies is carried out, 50% of the intelligence employees are wasted monitoring innocent indian citizens against whom no proof has been found for many years, only because fraud companies like google, tata are interested in surveillance, to avoid paying salaries to these professionals like the engineer, domain investor. So only 5000 intelligence employees are monitoring a large country like india, with real problems, killings and violence in many states including those handling Kanhaiya Kumar, against whom chargesheets are being filed.

In Kashmir, there are unlikely to be more than 1000 intelligence employees and these are likely to be overworked since there is lot of unrest. Yet the indian intelligence agencies are extremely incompetent, lack in professionalism, they refuse to acknowledge the fact that they are wasting resources monitoring harmless innocent citizens, like the domain investor, engineer and move the resources to more productive work, like monitoring Kashmir, where there is lot of violence.,

Till the indian government leaders refuse to ackowledge the fact that resources are wasted monitoring harmless citizens like the domain investor, engineer, and end the wastage, the intelligence agencies will never have the resources to end violence in places like Kashmir

To please fraud NTRO employees indian and goan government falsely claims google, tata supplied 2013 bsc goan bhandari PROSTITUTE is an experienced engineer

To please the brahmin fraud ntro employees led by the mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, indian and goan government falsely claims google, tata supplied goa university 2013 bsc goan bhandari PROSTITUTE slim sunaina chodan who offers sex services to government employees on behalf of google, tata is an experienced engineer with a btech 1993 ee degree, so that the panaji prostitute gets a raw job at the expense of the experienced woman engineer

Medical tests will legally prove that the goan governments favorite google, tata supplied goan bhandari call girl R&AW employee sunaina chodan was not born in 1989 to give 1989 jee and get a btech 1993 ee degree and work as an engineer, however the goan intelligence and security agencies lack the intelligence, humanity and honesty to question the fraud brahmin ntro employees on what basis they are falsely claiming that a 2013 bsc from goan university call girl and other frauds like riddhi nayak, veena,naina, nayanshree hathwar, were their btech 1993 ee degree

This is creating problems for the single woman bhandari engineer who actually has a btech 1993 ee degree, since goa’s favorite goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc is repeatedly trespassing her house in la campala colony panaji, goa in a real estate fraud, and stealing whatever she feels like in a google, tata masterminded real estate fraud in panaji. On 27 January 2019, between 7.30 am and 11 am , government employees again criminally trespassed on the house of the engineer

When the engineer is not trespassing anyone’s house, can raw, goan and indian government explain in an open debate, why the home of a private citizen in panaji, goa, is repeatedly criminally trespassed, why it is treated like public property. When all indian citizens have the right to property, can the google, tata employees just the criminal trespassing by their favorite sex worker sunaina, in an open debate, why she is using duplicate keys to enter the house of a private citizen