Indian government makes having extra marital affairs very lucrative for google, tata supplied goan call girls, other frauds

The number of extra marital affairs in India is increasing very fast because the indian government has made having sex with top indian intelligence and security agency employees extremely lucrative as these officials are allowed to abuse their powers to make their lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre girlfriends, relatives very rich and powerful overnight, stealing the identity of hardworking engineers with a good JEE rank.

Lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre Goan call girls sunaina, siddhi and others who offer SEX services to top indian government employees with the help of pimp google, tata employees and others who seduce top indian government officials
– do not have to answer JEE, study engineering, they get fake references of a btech 1993 ee degree from the best engineering college from powerful fraud ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, patel, vijay
– do not have to work as engineers, the indian and goan government falsely claims that these sex workers supplied by google, tata are experienced engineers who have worked in the largest companies
– do not have to spend time and money online,ntro, raw, cbi, indian and goan government will falsely claim that the prostitutes who have no online income and investment are online experts, domain investors , while the real domain investors are defamed extremely viciously
– goan sex workers and others with google, tata pimps can falsely claim to own the bank, paypal account of any indian woman to get a monthly R&AW salary
– the sex workers can steal the correspondence of women engineers with a good JEE rank, and run a lucrative extortion racket
– the sex workers can criminal trespass on the house of experienced single women engineers, steal anything they wish without being questioned or held accountable. the indian and goan government will help the sex workers criminally trespass, with government employees picking the lock
– the sex workers do not have to work hard to purchase a home legally, they can falsely claim to own the house of a woman engineer and get a raw job in a real estate fraud in goa
– the indian government wastes crores of indian tax payer money to defame, cheat, exploit and torture the experienced engineer with good JEE rank, whose identity, resume, savings the google,tata supplied goan call girl and other fraud raw/cbi employees falsely claims to have , subjecting her to the most terrible human rights abuses for decades

Why is R&AW,cbi,ntro, goan and indian government not officially admitting that goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan is a SEX WORKER

Medical records will legally prove that google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan , 2013 bsc from goan university , did not answer 1989 JEE like othe fraud raw employee indore document robber veena , nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar, so she is not an experienced engineer.
Bank details, income tax returns will also legally prove that the google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan has never invested any money online, never made any money online, and has never done any work online

Yet R&AW,cbi,ntro, google,tata, goan and indian government are blindly repeating the complete lies of the fraud ntro employees led by j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, and others who are infatuated with the goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc and are abusing their powers to shameless and falsely claim that their sugar baby with a 2013 bsc degree was their btech 1993 ee classmate, stealing the resume, savings, memory of their female btech 1993 ee classmate who these fraud ntro employees hate.

Any falsely claiming that a woman who did not study engineering is an experienced engineer, is guilty of professional misconduct. The google competitor , experienced single woman bhandari engineer whose identity goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan has stolen to get a R&AW job, would like to ask the indian and goan government why she is expected to quietly tolerate the fraud of her male brahmin btech 1993 ee classmates who hate her and are falsely claiming that their girlfriends have her resume, savings in a major fraud, abuse of power.

Like any other professional, who has worked hard for her resume, savings, she will also object to the fraud, misuse of her name and since the government refuses to end the fraud, she will waste her time and money to ensure that the fraud of her male btech 1993 ee classmates and others ends at the earliest. She would like to find out why is R&AW,cbi,ntro, goan and indian government not officially admitting that goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan is a SEX WORKER, why dupe people, companies and countries that the call girl is an experienced engineer, wasting tax payer money

Can the goan government, google, tata name the engineering company which employed goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc

In 2018, it is clear that the goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE slim sunaina chodan 2013 bsc has never done any work online and has never invested any money online so google, tata , goan government are justifying the great powers and monthly R&AW salary the lazy greedy goan bhandari panaji prostitute is getting at the expense of the bhandari single woman engineer who actually answered JEE , worked as an engineer.

The goan government, google, tata are blindly repeating the lies of the BRAHMIN FRAUD SUGAR DADDIES of the goan bhandari sex worker, ntro employees j srinivasan , mhow cheater puneet, sex worker sunaina’s lovers enjoying her sex services , google , tata PIMPS promoting prostitute sunaina chodan, and sunaina’s shameless fraud liar relatives like pritesh chodankar who falsely claim that 2013 bsc from goa university sex worker has a btech 1993 ee from a top college. mhow cheater ntro employee puneet’s college girlfriend was vrushali, so he has no right to interfere and make fake claims about his female btech 1993 ee classmate.

Medical tests will legally prove that the goan bhandari sex worker was not born in 1989 to give 1989 JEE and get a btech 1993 ee degree, so on what basis is the goan government, google, tata repeating the fraud and lies of ntro employees who are openly involved in professional misconduct when they falsely claim that the 2013 bsc panaji prostitute was their btech 1993 ee classmate .

the bhandari single woman engineer who actually answered JEE , worked as an engineer, is a google competitor would like the goan government to officially declare the name of the engineering company which claims to have hired GOA’S TOP GOVERNMENT PROSTITUTE, for how many years the company employed the prostitute, what work she did, otherwise they should stop claiming that the lazy greedy goan bhandari sex worker is an engineer

Indian, goan, Madhya Pradesh government blindly repeating the complete lies of BRAHMIN FRAUD domlur director puneet

One of the most ruthless cruel and dangerous online fraudsters is Light eyed fair skinned mhow cheater brahmin director of domlur bengaluru company, puneet who specializing in stealing the identity of harmless hardworking single women domain investors to get lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan prostitutes, school dropout, document robbers, cheater housewives and other frauds lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the woman domain investor.

The light eyed fair skinned mhow cheater ntro employee criminal puneet is an excellent actor and LIAR faking his relationship with his btech 1993 ee classmate who he actually hated, to steal her identity, savings, memory and correspondence since 2010, Though he had never contacted her for more than 25 years he falsely claimed to know her very well, so that he could steal her identity to get his lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced cheater girlfriends who never answered JEE ,lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of his btech 1993 ee classmate .In 2018 the BRAHMIN FRAUD ntro employee puneet openly admits that he has nothing to do with his btech 1993 ee classmate who had a better JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai, yet all his fraud girlfriends like indore robber housewife veena, sunaina, siddhi continue to get a monthly raw/cbi salary with the stolen identity, while the engineer is BROKE because of the fraud bengaluru brahmin crook puneet

Unlike other fraudsters who can be reported to the police, the cowardly indian media, the indian, madhya pradesh and goan government blindly believes the complete lies of the mhow cheater puneet, to justify the great fraud on the domain investor owning this website, though bank details, income tax returns will legally prove that mhow cheater puneet has been involved in one of the greatest banking, online, financial, educational frauds since 2010, wasting crores of indian tax payer money

By refusing to take any action against the shameless liar cheater ntro employee puneet in his identity theft, banking, online fraud, and giving great powers to his lazy greedy cheater girlfriends on the basis of the stolen identity, the indian government is ruining its reputation, and providing proof to the Walk Free Foundation, ILO that slavery exists in India in 2018

Indian government employees stealing leads and orders of small business owners are making them slaves

The indian government is trying to discredit the Walk free foundation report that India has the largest number of slaves in the world at present, however the fact remains that in addition to stealing the memory of small business owners without a legally valid reason, the indian government is also diverting and stealing the correspondence of a small business owner to greedy fraud raw/cbi employees running an extortion racket without a legally valid reason , effectively making the business owner a slave.\

The business owner is spending a lot of time and money to generate leads and orders, which are conveniently stolen by the raw/cbi/ntro employees without a legally valid reason, and resold to their associates who make a lot of money with the stolen leads and orders . Most businesses spend their time and money to generate leads, however goan and shivalli brahmin FRAUD OFFICIALS ARE ROBBERS stealing leads, orders

In goa and karnataka the problem is very severe, as google, tata have bribed all the section 420 fraud greedy shameless top officals like gsb frauds caro, mandrekar, nayak, hathwar, kodancha, pritesh chodankar with jobs for their lazy greedy fraud relatives like riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, sunaina chodan, with the stolen identity of the google competitor, domain investor

So the business owner is not getting any payment for the time spent generating leads, orders, while the government employees diverting, stealing and selling the leads and orders are slave owners, owning the small business owner slaves, getting the small business owners to work for free for lead, order generation as the orders are diverted to the ntro employees and their associates.

When top goan government employees are financial, banking fraudsters, 8000 applicants fail accounting exam

Goa is the only state in India, where top goan government employes like goan gsb fraud officials nayak, caro,mandrekar, bhandari pritesh chodankar are openly involved in a banking, financial fraud since 2010, allegedly bribed by google, tata, making fake claims about the bank, paypal account, credit cards of a private citizen, single woman engineer, domain investor .

These top officials are such shameless liars and cheaters that they falsely claim that their lazy greedy sex worker, extortionist relatives like siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak, sunaina chodan, who have never done any work online, never invested any money online, never worked as engineers, own the bank, paypal account, of a single woman engineer , domain investor, google competitor in a major banking, financial fraud since 2010

These top goan officials are aware of the fact that their lazy greedy inexperienced relatives have not opened the paypal and bank account and cannot operate it , yet bribed by google, tata, they have shamelessly lied for more than 8 years wasting crores of tax payer money, in a major financial fraud. When these financial fraudsters are given great powers in goa by the government, naturally people who have financial skills will not flourish in goa, and all 8000 job applicants failed the accounting exam in goa

Herald, Navhind times, times of india covered the news of how all the 8000 job applicants failed the accounting exam for government jobs, yet the goan media refuses to cover the great google goan banking, financial fraud of top goan government employees, goan gsb fraud officials nayak, caro,mandrekar, bhandari pritesh chodankar , who falsely claimed that their relatives, friends, owned the bank account of a single woman bhandari engineer to get their lazy greedy fraud relatives raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the engineer.

CAG report confirms the inefficiency, corrupt and incompetence of the goan government

The newspapers carried a report which said that the goan government wasted Rs 1400 crores because of mismanagement according to the CAG, mainly because the top goan government officials like nayak, caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar and others remain as arrogant, greedy, dishonest and shameless as ever, refusing to admit their mistake, lies, frauds and correct it

Though the revenues of the goan government are very less compared to other states, the arrogance, shamelessness and dishonesty of the top government officials is inversely proportional to the revenues. If a survey was carried out in India, almost no other state in india has extremely shameless dishonest greedy fraud top officials who are openly involved in educational, financial, banking, real estate fraud who will falsely claim that school dropouts, cheater housewives, call girls and other frauds who have not spent any money, own the house, have the resume, investment of an experienced engineer

The goan leaders lack the vision, honesty to question and take action against the corrupt intelligence and security agency employees who are openly freelancing for google, tata, taking sex, money, job for relatives, bribes and are involved in banking, real estate, educational and online fraud since 2010. These goan leaders are aware of the fact that there is very less money in the government treasury, yet they refuse to be honest about the corruption, nepotism, fraud , lies of the top government employees which is the cause of the problems, and correct it

In almost all states in india , the government realizes that falsely claiming that a call girl or school dropout is an experienced engineer, is a waste of resources, however the corrupt shameless goan government is extremely arrogant and brazen in its fraud, refuses to acknowledge and correct the mistake

Why is goan government repeating lies of brahmin fraud ntro employee mhow cheater puneet pampering goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan

It can be easily and legally proved that brahmin fraud ntro employee mhow cheater puneet, director of a domlur, bengaluru company is a shameless ruthless fraud and liar, making fake claims about online work, domain names, paypal account, btech 1993 ee degree and savings

Yet since 2010, the indian and goan government are blindly repeating the complete lies of lies of brahmin fraud ntro employee mhow cheater puneet, who along with j srinivasan, is pampering goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan , his sugar baby, abusing his powers and wasting indian tax payer money to dupe people that his favorite goan call girl sunaina, who has never done any work online, never invested any money online, is an online expert, domain investor

Can the goan government explain in an open debate, on what basis they are repeating the complete lies of the the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, wasting indian tax payer money and resources. Many powerful government employees have proved to be cheaters, liars, and the mhow cheater puneet is the latest in the long list of fraud government employees.

the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet has not communicated with the domain investor, engineer for more than 25 years, and is unlikely to do so in future also because he is very status conscious, so why is the goan and indian government blindly believing his complete lies regarding savings, btech 1993 ee degree, domain ownership and paypal account.

Mindset of government employees cause of high levels of slavery in India

It appears that the lack of humanity and honesty is the main criteria for selection of government employees in India, especially in the powerful indian intelligence and security agencies . These employees are extremely greedy, selfish and try to exploit other indian citizens to the maximum extent possible, are the cause of high levels of slavery in India.

For example, almost all ntro, raw, cbi employees are aware of the fact that the google competitor is alone spending her time and money online since 2010 to make money from foreign customers, the 10 google, tata sponsored sex worker, fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are not spending any time and money online, yet are getting a salary, while the google competitor is working like a slave for the last 7-8 years. Not a single government employee is honest enough to acknowledge the fact that the domain investor is being cheated and exploited

However the ntro, raw, cbi, and other government employees are so completely lacking in humanity, professional integrity and honesty, that they continue to repeat their complete lies about online work, investment like parrots, so that the google competitor does not get a fair deal, the income and opportunities she deserved, she remains a slave. The domain investor is protesting loudly, it is a major scandal, yet the indian and goan government refuses to acknowledge the fraud or give the engineer a fair deal for the work she does, making her a slave.

Yet when the walk free foundation, ILO reports that india has the largest number of slaves in the world , the hypocrite indian government is protesting though it is openly making citizens, like the domain investor legally owning this website, slaves of the corrupt greedy top government employees who abuse their powers to make completely fake allegations without any proof against the engineer, to hold her a slave.

Unlike the European Union, the indian government, NTRO refuses to acknowledge google,tata’s unfair trade practices

The European Union fined Google $5 billion for its unfair trade practices like forcing all manufacturers who wish to install Android to use google search. the manufacturers make money when the gadget is sold, google gets a recurring income from search
Europe is wealthy and developed because they realize that this practice of blackmailing manufacturers is making google very rich, however in India, the intelligence and security agencies, government lacks the vision, patriotism and honesty to understand the nature of the google fraud on indian citizens, google competitor, stealing their identity.

In India it is involved in a similar fraud on many domain investors,google competitor, like asking the fraud ntro employees to falsely associate their good looking lazy greedy cheater girlfriends and relatives with the domain investor, without doing any work, without investing any money, so that just like google is the main beneficiary from search,. these lazy greedy girlfriends and relatives of top officials are the main beneficiaries getting a monthly income, while the real domain investor, like the manufacturer is not getting any money, other than the initial amount in 2007-2008
Google wants every online publisher to be falsely associated with the good looking lazy greedy cheater girlfriends and relatives of top officials, who do no work, who do not spend any money , who then get lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the online publisher, with monthly salary, and the top officials abuse their great discretionary powers to help google destroy competition
If the publisher is not associated with the good looking lazy greedy cheater girlfriends and relatives or complains about the fraud of fake association , they will not be able to work online, face false cases, have their computer hacked, just the gadget manufacturers who refuse to install google search , are unable to install android

Any neutral observer will agree that it is unfair for one person to do all the work, spend all the money, and get nothing, while 10 google,tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do no work, do not spend any money, get credit, jobs and a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the person doing all the work. It is time that google, tata realized that their great online financial fraud will not work for longer, unless google wishes to get more billion dollar fines.