Greedy corrupt fraud Goan government officials extremely aggressive in blocking payment of exporters in Goa

Mumbai is a wealthy city, because the officials are mostly do not block the payment of exporters in Mumbai without a legally valid reason.
However the shameless greedy fraud top officials in goa like nayak, caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar are extremely aggressive in blocking payment of harmless exporters in Goa, as these corrupt officials have allegedly been bribed by google, tata with raw/cbi jobs for their lazy greedy inexperienced sex worker, fraud relatives with the stolen resume, savings of the exporter

There is no transparency in the indian internet sector, and though the lazy greedy fraud relatives of these goan gsb , bhandari officials are not doing any work online, not investing any money online, the liar fraud google, tata, ntro employees are falsely claiming that these prostitutes, cheater housewives and other frauds, who do not spend any money, own the domain names of the google competitor, a private citizen

their lazy fraud relatives of top goan officials are only interested in offering sex services, cheating, running an extortion racket, have never worked as engineers, yet are shameless in making fake claims about ownership of the paypal, bank account of the google competitor, though the top goan officials are doing everything possible to block payment

Corrupt NTRO, R&AW, cbi ,Indian government employees block payment of exporters

The indian government is talking about boosting exports, yet the corrupt top NTRO, R&AW, cbi employees are abusing their powers to block payment which exporters should receive from their customers. For example the domain investor legally owning this website has not received the payment due in March 2018, May 2018 from a United States ad network, allegedly because the ntro, raw, cbi employees have blocked the payment, with their fake stories

The domain investor is spending a lot of money on domain names, webhosting, yet the selfish greedy corrupt indian government employees who are getting a monthly salary are so devoid of humanity and patriotism, that they are abusing their powers and blocking the payment to cause more losses to the google competitor, domain investor, engineer, who they have already cheated and exploited

This is an indication of the high corruption levels in indian government agencies

Bribed by google,tata, the Indian and goan government falsely claims regular SEX with government employees make lazy greedy goan prostitutes, exporters for R&AW records

As the current account deficit increases, the indian government is trying to encourage exports according to time of india, however for paypal exports there are unlikely to be any increase, as bribed by google,tata, the extremely corrupt dishonest Indian and goan government falsely claims regular SEX with government employees make lazy greedy goan prostitutes supplied by google,tata to government employees for sex , exporters for R&AW records so that the google, tata supplied goan prostitutes get great powers and a monthly salary at the expense of the real exporter.

Bank records, income tax returns will easily and legally prove that google,tata supplied lazy greedy goan R&AW employees prostitutes slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan 2013 bsc (scooters AA1430, grey J8651 ), goan gsb fraud 2012 diploma holder siddhi mandrekar and other R&AW/cbi have never made a single penny from exports in their life, and are unlikely to do so, as they are least interested in working hard and making any money from exports , yet in a clear case of discrimination and banking fraud, R&AW/cbi/ntro, indian and goan government falsely claim that the lazy greedy goan prostitutes only offering sex services are exporters to give them great powers, a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the real exporter, who is getting nothing

The real exporter has been struggling to end the banking, paypal fraud of the goan sex workers and other google,tata sponsored fraud R&AW/cbi employees, since 2010, yet the indian government refuses to end the fraud

BK bansal case is the reason why domain investor is not interested in any government job

The latest episode of the colors serial Bepanah, showed how cbi tortures citizens after arresting them after making fake allegations, is probably inspired by the high profile cases of cbi harassment like BK Bansal case, Arushi case which were covered in the media, and other cases like that of the domain investor owning this website, which are not covered in the mainstream media, though the damage to the harmless citizen is just as great.

The cunning shameless ntro employees led by the brahmin cheater puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, parmar, patel and others had been justifying their resume, savings , correspondence theft, saying that she would get some government job. However after the rather gory BK Bansal case, the domain investor decided that she would remain a private citizen, as government employees may be falsely accused of corruption, abuse of power by cbi and other agencies

Though the domain investor owning this website is a harmless single woman engineer, since 2010, she is unable to get any major customers in India because cbi allegedly bribed by google,tata is harassing her a lot, and threatening everyone who is dealing with her , defaming the domain investor with their fake allegations so that she agrees to identity theft and the 10 google,tata sponsored R&AW/cbi employees falsely claiming to have the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of the engineer, continue to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the engineer.
It appears that all cbi fake cases have certain characteristics
– very charming ruthless cbi officer who is a very good actor like rajvir khanna in bepanah
– taking photos and making defamatory videos
– circulating the videos, photos extensively wasting tax payer money
– isolating and defaming the person, with fake allegations , repeated hysterically
– duping a large number of people with the fake allegations to ruin the reputation of the victim
– recruiting neigbors to spy, insult , relatives to betray.

Liar cheater NTRO employees force the indian tax payer to pay for google, tata’s business expenses

For influencing government policy most companies especially large companies hire the services of lobbyists, offering bribes to top government employees directly or as jobs for their associates, relatives and make donations, these are business expenses, paid from the profit of the business.
However in a great financial fraud which the cowardly fraud indian mainstream media refuses to cover , google, tata have managed to manipulated the extremely corrupt indian government, intelligence and security agencies, so that the indian tax payer is paying a large part of the business expenses of google,tata for the last 8 years since 2010

Many offline businesses supply call girls and sex workers to government employees, potential customers as bribes, however most businesses are paying the sex worker charges from their own profit. Similarly businesses will offer cash and kind bribes to government employees, they again pay from their profit and consider it a business expense. To influence powerful government employees, some companies are hiring the relatives of these government employees, however these companies are paying these well connected employees out of their own profit, another business expense

However in a brilliantly evil google,tata masterminded financial fraud in the indian internet sector, these companies have managed to manipulate the government and system in India, so that the indian tax payer is paying all these business expenses for these fraud internet and it companies. The shameless liar cheater employees of google, tata are falsely promoting goan sex workers, bribe givers and relatives of top government officials, who do not do any work online, do not invest any money online, as domain investors, online experts, to get all these lazy greedy frauds lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs at the expense of the real domain investor.

So the indian tax payer is paying all the business expenses of google, tata for supplying goan sex workers to government employees, getting bribes for top government, R&AW, cbi employees and also jobs for inexperienced lazy greedy relatives of top indian governmen employees. When the domain investor impersonated by the google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees is complaining, the government employees are falsely labelling her a security threat, questioning her health

For example google, tata are supplying the lazy greedy goan prostitutes sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar to top ntro, cbi, raw, indian government employees for sex as bribes to the top government employees, to control these powerful indian government employees, ensure that they abuse their great discretionary powers, to take decisions which will benefit these large companies. For example top officials are making fake allegations without any proof against the domain investor since 2010, to defame, cheat and exploit her.

Most offline businesses are paying call girls, sex and other service providers who are used to influence government employees from their profit , however to avoid paying the sex workers their fees from the profit they are making, google, tata are falsely claiming that that the sex workers are online experts , domain investors , so that R&AW can officially falsely claim that these women are online experts, though bank details will legally prove that the sex worker R&AW employees have never done any work online, made any money online

Google,tata are also promoting other frauds like indore document robber veena, riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, naina , ruchika, asmita patel, who do not do any work online, do not spend any money online, as domain investors, online experts, because these lazy fraud women are paying bribes to government employees or are related to top indian government employees, again allowing them to control the indian government

google,tata are taking advantage of the fact that in 2018, the incompetent shameless corrupt indian government has given ntro employees the license to lie, commit banking, identity theft fraud, falsely claim that prostitutes, cheater housewives and other frauds who do not spend any money online, are online experts, domain investors

Bribed by google, tata, goan government involved in a major PAYPAL, BANKING FRAUD on single woman bhandari engineer

The goan government is involved in one of the greatest paypal, banking frauds in India, falsely claiming that the relatives and friends of top government officials like caro, mandrekar, hathwar, kodancha,nayak, pritesh chodankar, who do not do any work online, do not spend any money online, own the paypal, bank account of a single woman bhandari engineer, to deny the engineer the income and opportunities she deserved.

These fraud goan government officials have been allegedly bribed by google, tata, with raw/cbi jobs with the stolen resume, investment of the engineer, for their lazy greedy fraud inexperienced relatives riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan and others, to abuse their powers and commit the paypal, banking fraud on the harmless single woman engineer. ,

Taking advantage of the fact that goan bhandari offcicials like pritesh chodankar lack personal and professional integrity pampering their prostitute relatives like sunaina chodan 2013 bsc , document robbers like veena , the shameless greedy liar cheater goan gsb officials like caro, mandrekar, nayak are some of greatest BANKING, PAYPAL FRAUDSTERS in India, falsely claiming that therir lazy greedy cheater extortionist relatives 2012 sex worker diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, who do no work online, do not invest money online, own the paypal, bank account of a single woman bhandari engineer, who these shameless goan gsb fraud crooks have defamed without proof so that these goan gsb fraud women get R&AW/cbi jobs with monthly salary at the expense of the engineer

When the single woman bhandari engineer was subjected to corporate espionage by the goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, and has never interacted with goan gsb fraud panaji extortionist housewife riddhi nayak in her life , on what basis are the greedy shameless section 420 fraud goan gsb mafia like pritesh chodankar falsely associating their google, tata sponsored sex worker, fraud relatives with the engineer, and falsely claiming to own her paypal, bank account, having her impressive resume including btech 1993 ee degree can the goan government justify in an open debate.

The great google goan BANKING, PAYPAL FRAUD started in 2010, when will the lazy greedy GOAN GSB FRAUDS riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar like goan bhandari prostitute sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees end their PAYPAL, BANKING FRAUD falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a harmless private citizen, domain investor and single woman bhandari engineer

Intelligence agencies should be honest about their employees resume

One of the reasons why Indian university are not ranked well, is because it is well known that mediocre lazy greedy frauds working in intelligence agencies will fake their resumes and falsely claim to have degrees from top colleges in India. These intelligence agency employees were too lazy to answer the stringent entrance exam, get admission, study for 4 years to get an engineering degree, yet rely on fraud top officials infatuated with them to steal the resume of their brilliant engineering or other classmate and get them government jobs.

The irrational and unscientific indian intelligence and security agencies think that getting fake references from a dishonest government employee will make an inexperienced mediocre fraud an experienced engineer overnight, which is not correct. This leads to the wastage of a huge amount of tax payer money, as inflated salaries are being paid to mediocre inexperienced frauds, the fraud government employees try to cover up their resume theft fraud, the skills, knowledge of experienced professionals like engineers is being wasted,

Instead the indian intelligence agencies should be honest that their employees are mediocre semi literate housewives, sex bribe givers, cheaters who have got fake references from powerful officials infatuated with them, or getting other favors, and pay them salaries, give them powers accordingly. Like any other organization, intelligence agencies have the right to choose their employees depending on whether they fit into their culture, However they do not have the right to falsely claim that their mediocre lazy greedy dishonest employees have the impressive resume, investment and skills of a brilliant single woman obc engineer, who top officials hate due to casteism.

Fake resumes, investment of government employees

How jealous classmates and other officials can destroy your life and leave you penniless for no fault of yours, if you do not fit in
Today, the education sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in the country. Parents throughout the country spend lakhs of rupees on study material, tution classes and other expenses, so that their children get admission to some of the “top” educational institutions in the country. Little do they know how jealous classmates from these colleges can ruin the life of their children at a later date. This website is based on feedback from multiple sources. We hope parents as well as children read this website and then take an informed decision on whether they want to study in a top college. The names of the top colleges have been puposely withheld to avoid further harassment.

Reason – official and unofficial

Trigger – what can start the harassment
Just because an employee, friend or relative fits into the culture of an organization or company, powerful officials try to steal the impressive resume of a single woman engineer for their dishonest mediocre friends and relatives. Hence it will be important to carry out a background check. and verify the information provided.
Business background check

Identity theft

Educational records



A look at the work culture in government offices, government jobs in India

Like any organization, government agencies especially intelligence and security agencies are free to select their employees depending on whether these employees fit into their culture. However in a MAJOR vyapam type FRAUD, powerful fraud ntro officials are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy girlfriends and relatives were their btech 1993 EE classmates, to get all these 8-9 frauds lucrative RAW/CBI jobs with salary and pension, stealing the impressive resume of their btech 1993 EE classmate who these shameless fraud officials hate
Most private sector companies will fire an employee faking their resume, as they do not want to pay an inflated salary, However no indian government employee thinks that it is wrong to waste indian tax payer money on 8-9 lazy greedy INEXPERIENCED fraud raw/cbi employees false claiming to have the impressive resume including btech 1993 EE degree, twenty years work experience, investment of a single woman engineer who top ntro officials hate.

According to a media report, indian government officials have the worst attitude and lowest efficiency levels among all south asian countries. India remains the largest importer of defence equipment because of the indian culture of promoting, rewarding mediocrity, and cheating, torturing honest hardworking brilliant citizens out of hatred, greed and to steal their resume for the fraud friends and relatives of top officials

The following lazy greedy fraud government employees goan gsb diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, jeans clad slim bsc obc bhandari sex bribe giver sunaina, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak who looks like kangana ranaut, brahmin fraud housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar,housewife naina, veena, ruchika, asmita patel, allegedly sponsored by Google, tata, paypal, who have allegedly got permanent jobs in r&AW for their section 420 cheating, corporate espionage, lies and sex bribes to top officials are not associated with the website in any way at all, though the shameless top officials in the indian internet sector continue to waste infinite indian tax payer money to spread complete lies that these sluts, housewives and cheaters own the domain names. None of the lazy greedy sluts and cheaters want to spend a single paisa on domain names, then why do top officials falsely claim that the sluts and cheaters like riddhi siddhi, sunaina, asmita patel and others own the domain names? <br>
The greedy good looking GSB cheater riddhi siddhi’s powerful fraud friends and relatives specialize in defaming webmasters,domain investors so that the mediocre lazy greed gsb women in goa get great powers for doing nothing at all. Like all frauds these pampered cheater women and their powerful friends and relatives will never justify their lies openly. Any R&AW, CBI, NTRO officials how can help the domain investor to recover the Rs 1.1 lakh looted by R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar will be appreciated