Though raw employee greedy gujju stock trader amita patel is extremely wealthy and has revenues of $4.5 million (Rs 35 crore) she continues with her domain ownership fraud on the single woman domain investor with the help of the powerful cruel cunning government employee puneet, who falsely claims to own this and other domains of
his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES, CRIMINALLY DEFAMES in the worst manner
Showing the lack of honesty and humanity in indian society, government, tech and internet sector, no one is questioning raw employee greedy gujju stock trader amita patel featured on moneycontrol, hindu business line on her financial, online fraud, why she wants to falsely claim domain ownership, when she has not purchased the
domains for the last 9 years, despite getting a monthly raw salary at the expense of the single woman domain investor, who is making great financial losses because of the domain ownership fraud.