Government employees do not allow engineers with good JEE rank get a well paying job in India

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One of the reasons for BRAIN DRAIN in india, is because well paid government employees do not allow engineers with good JEE rank get a well paying job in India out of HATRED, jealousy

The goa 1989 jee topper with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai is an example of a engineer who not allowed to get any kind of paid work in India, mainly because powerful government employees HATE her. So to avoid wasting their life in India like the goa 1989 jee topper, most engineers with a good JEE rank leave india at the earliest

India slips to 117 on social development indices due to labor law violations, financial fraud on single older educated women professionals

India slips to 117 on social development indices due to labor law violations, financial fraud on single older educated women professionals by government agencies
Indicating the worsening status of older single educated women professionals in India,India slips to 117 on social development indices due to brazen labor law violations, financial fraud on single older educated women professionals by government agencies who cannot be held accountable
The government agencies allegedly bribed by google, tata, refuse to acknowledge the skills, investment, time spent by the single woman domain investor, engineer since 2010, instead falsely giving cheater housewives, cooking, cleaning, call girls, scammer students and other frauds credit, raw/cbi jobs and monthly salaries for the work done by the single woman engineer.
To cover up their skills fraud, they are belittle the engineer, falsely claiming that everyone has the computer, website management skills when most indian women have not accessed the internet in their life
Since the single woman professional is from a poorer community, there is no one to defend her against the complete lies of wealthy communities and powerful officials who are criminally defaming her, and then falsely claiming to own her bank account, domains, savings and assets .
The government agencies are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains, own this and other domains of a private citizen, single woman since 2010