To encourage CYBERCRIME, indian government rewarding google, tata sponsored world famous indore criminal domain, paypal fraudsters with R&AW job

Indian citizens should be aware of the fact that in 2018, the indian government is wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money to encourage CYBERCRIME in India, rewarding a google , tata sponsored world famous indore criminal domain, paypal fraudsters veena, balding mahesh, deepika, with R&AW jobs, monthly salary and great powers, at the expense of their victim, a harmless single woman engineer, google competitor and india’s largest female domain investor.

Though ntro and the indian government is aware of the fact that google, tata sponsored greedy lazy indore document robber R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena is only looking after house and family, has not invested any money online, does not have a paypal account, to ENCOURAGE, REWARD, FRAUD, LIARS AND DOCUMENT THEFT, cybercrime, google, tata, ntro, and the indian government will reward the indore frauds with a monthly R&AW salary falsely claiming that the indore cybercriminals have the resume, investment of their victims

Any help to end the waste of tax payer money on cybercriminals will be greatly appreciated