Goan GSB fraud R&AW employee siddhi and her boyfriend Aniket are notorious liars in goa

The google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud diploma holder R&AW employee siddhi gadkar and her long time boyfriend aniket mandrekar are becoming goa’s most notorious online fraud couple,making fake claims that they are working online to get a monthly R&AW salary.
Though the shameless goan gsb fraud R&AW employee siddhi and her boyfriend aniket do no work online, with the help of her powerful fraud relatives and friends like puneet, nayak, mandrekar, the shameless section 420 cheater google sponsored GOAN GSB FRAUD siddhi falsely claims to own the domain names, paypal account of the obc single engineer, to get a monthly salary from R&AW as reward for corporate espionage, cheating and lies.
Being born chronic liars and cheaters,shameless siddhi and her associates have no morals or humanity at all. However increasingly intelligence agency officials are monitoring the real paypal account holder and when the domain investor is not is goa or doing offline work it becomes obvious that the conwoman R&AW employee siddhi and her boyfriend aniket are making fake claims about working online.
So when the obc engineer cheated and impersonated by the google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW employee siddhi went to ICAR, Old goa , not much work was done online. The intelligence agency officials realizing the lies of R&AW employee siddhi and her friend aniket, entered the name of aniket sawant as one of the persons attending the course. When the course coordinator tried to collect the fees, she could collect the money from everyone, only aniket sawant was missing. The aniket sawant had not entered his phone number or other details also.
So was aniket sawant a real person or an associate of aniket mandrekar?