Times of india reported that traders were avoiding gst payment by taking cash from their customers. The government fails to realize that when top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees themselves are world famous cheaters, liars and frauds, naturally indian citizens will try to follow the footsteps of the top indian government employees in cheating and lies, so tax evasion will be rampant.
For example indore fraud R&AW employee housewife document robber veena is not doing any work and not investing any money online, yet she is getting a monthly government salary because the top NTRO, R&AW officials getting a bribe from her, are abusing their great powers to make fake claims about domain ownership and wasting indian tax payer money. It is a world famous financial fraud, yet the NTRO, CBI, R&AW employees involved are least bothered because they have a lot of discretionary powers, and will not questioned.
Similarly the trader or shop owner has some discretionary power, he can declare the transaction, or take cash and avoid paying taxes as the government is not monitoring every transaction, so just as top government officials are abusing their powers to falsely claiming that sex workers, frauds and others are online experts , the shopkeepers are also following the footsteps of the top indian government employees in fraud, tax evasion