In an indication of the rampant sexual exploitation of women in India top CBI, NTRO, security agency employees are openly involved in sex trade, blackmail, with the indian government refusing to take any action against the government employees involved in sex trade, blackmail of harmless indian citizens.
If a woman is not offering sex bribes or is not connected to these government employees, cbi, ntro, indian security agency employees will abuse their discretionary powers to make completely fake allegations without any proof against the harmless single woman to defame, cheat, exploit, steal her impressive resume for their mediocre lazy greedy fraud friends and relatives
To find non existent proof, these government employees will put the harmless engineer under surveillance for more than 6 years, denying her the right to privacy and to earn a fair living, stealing leads and orders daily
So CBI, NTRO, security agencies are involved in blackmail and sex trade, any single woman who does not offer sex bribes is labelled as a security threat, to steal her retirement savings without a court order or legally valid reason, while the lazy mediocre inexperienced young women who offer sex bribes to top cbi, ntro, security agency employees are promoted as investors to give them lucrative R&AW jobs, with great powers , falsely claiming that the sex workers own the investment of the single woman who does not offer sex bribes