It can be legally proved that the google, tata sponsored panaji ROBBER queen gsb housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak caro, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, solange, the daughter and wife of the fraud top LIAR security agency employees in goa, caro, nayak, mandrekar, has never interacted with the 1989 goa JEE topper in her life
It is also clear that the top security agency employees in goa caro, nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, naik, all hate the 1989 goa JEE topper, since they are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her for more than 7 years, making fake allegations without any proof, and also ROBBING almost all her correspondence without a legally valid reason.
The 1989 goa JEE topper is a harmless private citizen, experienced engineer, only in goa, the security agency employees hate her, she lived in other places, like Mumbai, and she did not face any problem till 2010, when the google,. tata masterminded identity theft fraud on her started with tata associates filing fake cases without any legally valid proof, to ruin her reputation
It can be also MEDICALLY AND LEGALLY PROVED that panaji ROBBER queen gsb housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak caro, has not answered JEE or worked as engineer, online, she is only relying on FAKE REFERENCES from the fraud ntro employee vijay, who hates the the 1989 goa JEE topper and gave FAKE REFERENCES to robber riddhi, to destroy the life of the 1989 goa JEE topper and also get career help from caro, nayak for getting their wife and daughter a cbi job with the stolen identity of the the 1989 goa JEE topper
It can be legally proved that the 1989 goa JEE topper has never interacted with vijay in her life
In 2019, it is clear that the cases filed by the tata associates were 100% FAKE, the 1989 goa JEE topper had never cheated anyone, the fake cases were filed only to destroy her life and steal her identity
No one has stopped panaji ROBBER queen gsb housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak caro from opening her own paypal, bank account, selling services and products to customers outside india, yet she is a shameless liar and cheater, falsely claiming to own the bank account of a harmless hardworking single woman engineer who she and her entire family hate, have CRIMINALLY DEFAMED for 10 years and is supported by google, tata in her fraud,
Yet in a massive fraud of the goan government it is falsely associating the panaji ROBBER queen gsb housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak caro,a ruthless animal like FRAUD & LIAR with 1989 goa JEE topper, to deny the 1989 goa JEE topper the income and opportunities she deserved.
When the panaji robber riddhi nayak caro, will never have the honesty and humanity to face the engineer, why is the goan and indian government falsely linking the riddhi nayak caro, a panaji robber housewife with the experienced single woman engineer to deny the engineer the income and opportunities she deserved.