WHY is R&AW not honestly admitting that google,tata sponsored bengaluru fraud R&AW employe nayanshree hathwar in 2005 BBM fraud housewife, wife of a tata power special electronics division employee, with no skills, no online investment getting a monthly salary only becaus of her fraud relatives and friends like light eyed brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet, hathwar, kodancha who are involved in PAYPAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD MAKING FAKE CLAIMS
The shameless fraud domlur director ntro employee puneet was infatuated with google,tata sponsored bengaluru fraud R&AW employe nayanshree hathwar 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science and got her a R&AW job with fake references of btech 1993 ee degree at the expense of his real btech 1993 ee classmate, just like he got other frauds like ruchika, veena, deepika, siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel a R&AW job with the stolen resume of his classmate.
For years, R&AW has ignored the allegations of resume theft as the ntro employees were overconfident that the resume theft of the google competitor would not be exposed. However in a great victory for the google competitor, finally R&AW has started responding and is defaming the google competitor as telling lies , when she can easily prove that she is telling the truth
An open challenge to yadav, mitra and others to legally prove that the bengaluru R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar, wife of a tata power special electronics division employee has her own paypal account, own iwriter account , and actually studied for btech 1993 ee degree
Just defaming the whistleblower as being mentally unsound or being a liar, will not change the truth about the google, tata masterminded online fraud,can R&AW produce the income tax records, bank details
R&AW is very powerful, however indian citizens who are victims of corruption and resume theft by fraud raw employees like nayanshree hathwar have the right to complain