The goan gsb fraud R&AW employee diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, has boasted that she has reached the top of pyramidical food chain, she had worked very hard for it, however she cunningly does not reveal that her “hard work” consisted mainly of slander, sleaze and sex bribes to top indian government employees. Her powerful fraud boyfriends and lovers hated their btech 1993 ee classmate, and they stole the resume of their experienced btech 1993 ee classmate for the mediocre lazy greedy fraud diploma holder siddhi, because the cunning goan gsb fraud siddhi is ruthless in making up completely fake stories slandering the harmless obc engineer whose btech 1993 ee degree, the goan fraud siddhi falsely claims to have, to get a monthly R&AW salary and great powers,
The goan R&AW employee gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar also specialize in sleaze and causing great mental stress, wasting tax payer money to make and circulate photos, videos of the obc engineer whose resume, she has stolen with the help of fraud ntro employee puneet.Most people will think twice before slandering a innocent harmless person who has not harmed them in any way, however the goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi and their associates will do anything to retain the great powers , lucrative R&AW/CBI job gifted to them by google, tata , so they are making up the most malicious and vicious stories to defame the harmless engineer, harass her continuously
Domain investors already are aware of the fact that siddhi has got the R&AW job mainly for having sex with top officials, however after 7 years, the shameless fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees continue to falsely claim that the goan sex specialist is an online expert duping many people, companies and countries.