India has few world class companies because the all powerful indian intelligence and security agencies worship frauds, laziness, mediocrity . When they find anyone in India , who is honest, hardworking , a world class, they will take a sadistic pleasure in destroying the persons life , wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money. These fraud NTRO, R&AW, CBI, intelligence and security agency officials are considering destroying the innocent hardworking persons life to be a game for them, however for the person whose life is being destroyed it is not a game because in any game or sport, the rules are the same for both the players or teams.
In this case, the NTRO, R&AW, CBI, security agency officials stalking, harassing and torturing a harmless citizen, usually a woman have infinitely more resources, can waste unlimited tax payer money, unlike a private indian citizen who has extremely limited resources(only her savings) at her disposal and no access to expensive sophisticated ntro equipment. The only way a citizen can escape the officials stalking and harassing her, is by travelling, which is also expensive.