Domain fraudster government employee asmita patel does not want to pay market price for domain names

Indian corporates are ruthless in destroying the life of india’s largest female domain investor, a obc single woman engineer, systematically denying her the opportunities she deserved. Though she is spending a large amount monthly on domain names, renewal, registration, indian intelligence agencies and corporates are not willing to acknowledge the fact that she is the only person investing her hard earned money online.
These government officials want to falsely claim that the expensive domain names belong to the well connected flirt domain fraudster asmita patel, to justify the wastage of tax payer money paying her salary, though the cunning greedy domain fraudster asmita patel, does not want to pay the market price of the domain names or any expenses at all.
the incompetence and dishonesty of ntro officials can be proved as the domain fraudster asmita patel does not pay for any domain name, and none of the domains she falsely claims to own have her name in the domain whois, which indicated domain ownership.

Why do indian government employees especially from ntro want to falsely claim that asmita patel, a fraud is a domain investor when she does not spend a single rupee on domain names, When will the domain fraud of the indian government end.